Everyone is Gifted

Hello lovelies,

I know that it's been a while since I've posted anything on the blog. I've been trying to multi-task a bit more this year as I pursue things I'm passionate about. But it seems like I can't can't always get around to doing it all in one day. Top priorities often take preference and thereafter, other tasks follow. However, I am learning to make each day count and not waste time.

With that said, a few months ago I came across a quote that got me thinking about talents. And it went something like this, "Everyone is gifted. But most people never open their package". Unfortunately I was not able to find the man or woman who made that original statement, but I still found those words to be profound. I began picturing myself and those around me as gifts. We come in different shapes and sizes. Some have colourful wrapping paper,  while others are more neautral. But the wrapping doesn't matter as much as what is on the inside.

I wondered how many people actually considered themselves to be a gift or gifted. I would often see people disregard their talents, belittle themselves and even buy into the idea that they have no gift(s) whatsoever. I've also heard individuals make remarks like, "I have two left feet," "I am not that special" to being artistically challenged, thus the only thing they believe they can draw on a piece of paper is stick men. And as I observed their body language, I would see them try fade into the background and blend in. I sensed how uncomfortable they were in their own skin and it would sadden me. I would wonder how people got 'there' - a place where they felt worthless and insignificant. I would then leave their presence with one question in mind, "What could this individual achieve and attain in life if someone just believed in him or her?". I mean the possibilities are endless, right?

And I know that some of you out there may have not had it easy. You may have heard that you will amount to nothing in life. You or your ideas may have been shot down more times than you can count, but that should not be the reason you give up. You have a purpose and God has a plan. And you should never build your identity around so-called defects as this affects your growth. But use language (words) to elevate and edify, not curse God or yourself. Kenneth Copeland got hold of this revelation and he states this in various books. You have the power to speak life or death in any situation you find yourself in today, (for your words do carry power). And your actions should align themselves with your faith and words (after all, faith without works is dead). Yet it all starts with you choosing to 'open your package', explore your gifting and put it to good use.

And if you feel like you truly don't have a gift, ask God to reveal it to you. Romans 12:6-8 speaks of various forms your gifting can come in, they include prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging others, giving, leadership qualities and kindness to name a few. And Mark 11:24 states that whatever thing you ask for when you pray, BELIEVE that you recieve them and you will have them. That means that you should store God's Word and His promises in your heart. And believe that it will come to pass. On a regular basis you have to put that Word before you and refuse to be a push-over but call things that be not, as though they were and you will see God do a work in your life.

And lastly, remember this, your passion and strengths are good indicators of where your gifts lay. So don't limit and disqualify yourself. Instead watch your words and nurture your gift.

P.S. My prayer for you today is that God's Word takes root in your heart. Put your gift to good use. And let His Word feed your soul and sustain you when you feel weary. After all, every good and perfect gift comes from Him. ☺

- Mel ♡♥♡


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