A lil' encouragement

 “Misery loves company”

Sometimes things do not go as
planned and a season of discouragement disrupts our lives. We are criticised. We get offended. We may become negative. And we may even think that circumstances or people will never change.

Can you relate to such encounters?
I can.

For the past few weeks this topic has been on my heart. And I personally know what it’s like to feel disheartened and disappointed. But I am often reminded that I cannot allow discouragement to weigh me down. I then need to keep my eyes on God, declare His promises and surround myself with people who ‘build’ me up.

Let me explain. I love reading and pre-occupying my mind with various books. And thereby, I allow myself to be encouraged by others. Dr Henry Cloud is one of my favourite authors and I enjoy soaking up knowledge. So in this post, I thought I would share his story with you and maybe inspire you.

Firstly, for those who do not know who is Dr Cloud is a clinical psychologist, an encourager and a teacher amongst other things. But prior to all his success he was a man who faced quite a few challenges yet he overcame them. He fell ill and almost had his leg amputated as a young boy and years later suffered a hand injury that impacted his golf career, just to name a few. Such news not only led him into depression but also steered him into another direction. For it was during this time in his life that he sought God. He drew closer to Him. And today he is stronger than before and well able to build people up (assist them and provide them with certain skills to overcome issues in life).

Intrigued by his story I decided to dig a little deeper and look into the significance of encouragement. The word itself originates from the Hebrew word ”Chazaq” which literally means to strengthen, prevail, be tough and vigorous. And building on that definition, I love how Dr Cloud perceives encouragement. He breaks the term into two words “in courage” which states that courage has to come from the outside. That means that individuals share positive things with us and we digest those words or actions and keep it deep within us. For these words permit our character and abilities to grow through internalizing from others what we may not think we possess.

I’m not sure about you but such insight stirs me up. I am a firm believer in encouragement and dreaming big, for those are the things that keep us going when we feel stuck, when we want to quit, and when we think that we are going nowhere slowly. They remind us that we are loved and that people believe in us and our dreams. In totality they uplift a wounded spirit.

And if there is one thing that I have learned over the years, is that sometimes our dreams are not fulfilled immediately but that does not mean that it will never happen. We have to press on. Remind ourselves that God controls our destinies. He is faithful. His timing is perfect. And He makes no mistakes nor does He consider you to be an afterthought.

So, do yourself a favor, the next time you feel discouraged why not BELIEVE that you are in training to fulfil God’s call for your life? The obstacle course ahead of you may seem a little tricky at times but it’s God’s Word, family and friends that will remind you that you can do hard things.

Here are a few encouraging quotes.
I hope they nudge you to persevere.

1. “This too shall pass,” (have a look at 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18). This is one quote I meditated on when I fell ill a few years ago.

2. "I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us. When you develop that and you believe in yourself and you believe that you're a person of influence and a person of purpose, I believe you can rise up out of any situation." - Joel Osteen

3. "Bravery isn’t an attitude or feeling. It’s a choice. Recognising our weaknesses & believing God can turn them in to strengths." - Moriah Peters

4. "Your heart will take you much further than your gift ever will. Cultivate a heart after God." - Christine Caine

5. "Just as exercise tears down muscle to build it back stronger, God uses trials to tear down our pride and build up our faith." - Lauren De Moss

6. “Life is only 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” -Charles R. Swindoll

7. "Hardship is a catalyst for improvement. We must learn to live what is within us out loud." - Lisa Bevere

8. "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved." - Helen Keller

9. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan

10. “Your story is the key that can unlock someone else’s prison. Share your testimony.” – Pastor John Hagee

You can become the type of person who overcomes his or her circumstances. For you do not have to let your heart be moved by what you see or do not see. Instead persevere and do not give up or give in to emotional disappointment.
You've come this far!                            
You have something to offer the world. Press on towards the goal (Philippians 3:14). The hand of God is on you and He is the God of completion. What He started in your life, He will finish.
Keep going.

P.S. Go a little further today, believe the best of people and build them up...They may need some encouragement too.

- Mel ♡♥♡


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