New Year = New Beginnings

Welcome to 2015 ☺

A NEW year, a NEW chapter, a NEW book, hence a NEW beginning. Time to embrace NEW possibilities. Go on a few NEW adventures. And make some changes.

Sound good to you? Yes!!!

For some of you reading this post, the previous year has not been that great and you may be thrilled that it is over. You may have encountered hardships, received bad news and may now feel depleted and overwhelmed but you can be assured that if you have lost faith in God, it can be restored.
You can start this year anew, breaking free from the bittersweet moments of the past. And saturate yourself in His love, joy and strength. Find comfort in knowing that He yearns to be your deepest desire when you feel unfulfilled. And He intends to remind you that He is the One who makes all things NEW.

I do not know about you but personally, that makes me quite happy if I might add. Let me elaborate.
For the past few weeks I have been looking at the significance of the New Year and I have grasped the fact that in order for one to move forward in life, one needs to cut off ‘dead things. That way NEW growth can take place. And that requires that we get rid of the ‘weeds’ in our lives.        
You know, the stumbling blocks that disturb the flourishing process?
They prevent us from reaching our full potential and they attempt to ‘choke out’ friendships, relationships and opportunities. Sometimes they may even endorse something as simple as bad habits. And the way I see it, these things and people can either motivate us to move forward (once we pull them out) or allow them to drag us down with them. I'm not having any of the latter. And perhaps it's time that you also weed out the 'weeds' in your life so former things can come to pass, new things spring forth (Isiaah 42:9) and your life can bear good fruit.          

This year I have decided to do some 'gardening' of my own and by that I mean I'm taking care of particular relationships. For each one requires something different from me either that I plough (prepare my heart), plant (sow seeds into hearts), water (nourish and sanctify those seeds) or harvest (reap). See, just as some plants embrace different seasons and processes, we as people need to embrace CHANGE too because it is a part of life.

Its an action. A process. And sometimes it is scary, uncomfortable as well as overwhelming on some occasions. It triggers the idea that we are not in control of particular areas in our lives (although we would like to believe we are). But change nonetheless plays a distinct role in our lives as it assists us in becoming a little more mature, stronger and wiser.

So, in light of entering a new season in my life, I challenge myself in 2015...
Challenge myself to undergo a paradigm shift (a change in thinking and lifestyle).
Challenge myself to continue to walk in faith as I become bolder and fearless. Turn my back on fears and remind myself that God is for us (Romans 8:31). Challenge myself to keep my eyes on Jesus, so I can stay on track and not fall behind.
Challenge myself to be more like Him in my actions and reactions.
Challenge myself to keep moving forward.
Challenge myself to acquire greater wisdom and understanding, in essence progress and grow.
Challenge myself to make goals but allow God to interrupt my plans if He desires to do so. For His plans are bigger and better than my own (Jeremiah 29:11). For I know that when I freely allow Him to do a new thing in my life and let go of the familiar He can take me on a newfound journey.
And I can be assured that He makes no delays, not even a single day (He’s timing is perfect).
On that note, you may desire to excel, be healthier and prosper.
Here is a little advice:
God has a way of reminding us that He works all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) and He has things all under control. Maybe its time that you refuse to be a bystander in life and participate. Tend your 'garden'. Step out of your comfort zone and step in faith. Serve Him through each season in your life. For that is how you learn to overcome your fears. And most importantly lay your plans before Him and seek Him again, this time wholeheartedly. That includes falling more in love with Him, trusting Him and experiencing Him in an entirely new way (Isaiah 43:18-19).

P.S. Do life with the Master Gardener.
He's available 365 days of the year. And there is so much more in you that is waiting to be discovered. So, why not start today afresh and fill your blank pages with a few new habits and new memories?
Up for the challenge?

- Mel ♡♥♡


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