Slaying your 'giant'

We all have 'giants' that we are currently facing or have defeated.

They are obstacles that stand in our path. They delay progress. Attempt to keep us stagnant and pull us further away from our destinies. They get us all worked up and then leave us feeling intimidated and weak...

They could be particular hardships for some. Temptations for others. Or simply issues with anger and pride for many of you reading this. But what many of us fail to see, is that these 'giants' merely stand in the way of our
blessings, breakthrough and growth.

I'll let you in on a lil' secret.
Sometimes I feel like an underdog. Yes, an underdog. A
person in a 'competition' who is expected to fail. And hearing things like "Its impossible," "You can't do it" and "Give up" dampen my spirit. For my heart is overwhelmed as particular qualities which I possess or rather do not possess are perceived to hinder my progress.

I recall an encounter I had with a young man a few years ago. He was a little taller than me. And he would openly belittle and taunt me for being small in stature. Trying to get a reaction out of me, he'd make silly remarks like, "Even though dynamite comes in small packages, so does sardines". And it was little comments like these that would catch me off guard as it simply implied that I was incapable of attaining particular goals.

Nonetheless, I would continue to keep my cool while I'd watch him get a kick out of such statements. But, I would remind myself that I would not give another individual the satisfaction of seeing me hurt or upset because I knew I was called to do more. And therefore, I shouldn't tolerate such disrespect...Easier said than done.

See as silly as that statement was at the time, I still caught myself pondering on what was being insinuated and I would ask myself a few questions:
Am I too 'small' to accomplish anything great?
Am I incapable of handling a particular project?
Am I insignificant?

And the answer to all those questions is "NO!"
God has packaged each one of us differently. And that does not mean that we are 'useless' because we don't quite fit the mold. No, you and I are called to be unique on purpose. And we need to let our unique abilities glorify God. But we can't do that when we're doubting the gifts He's given us because doubt is a distraction.

Had I listen to those voices (those lies), those comments could have been used to sidetrack me and I could have used that as an excuse to stop trying but instead I let it push me and prepare me for something bigger. For deep down in my heart, I knew that when God calls us to something, He equips us.

"What do I mean by that?" you may ask.
God has given us thick skin and the ability to do what He called us to do. That means that I have learned to take such comments with a pinch of salt. And that does not mean that I allow people to walk all over me but rather that I find my value in Christ and trust Him to help me achieve my dreams and goals and fight my battles.

Just take a look at David. He was also seen as an underdog, under estimated by many.

He was the youngest male in his family, the smallest and was perceived as the most unlikely member of his family to be appointed king. Yet, he continued to pray bold prayers. And God used him. Why? Because he had a heart that desired to honor God and their relationship. And he understood that God was on His side. For David was confident in God's ability to come through for him and he later won that battle with minimal effort (5 stones but only used 1 to strike down Goliath). (Read 1 Samuel 16 and 17).

With that said, here are a few tips on how we should deal with the 'giants' in our lives:
1. Realize that these 'giants' were once small.
They more you feed them, the bigger and stronger they get (they will take on a life of its own, if you let it).
2. They may try negotiate things or condone certain behavior that will get you nowhere.
Therefore, you have to show them whose boss. And by that I mean that you should stand your ground. We have to purposely remind the 'giants' we face who is our God.
Rise Up! You do what God has called you to do and He'll take care of the rest.
You need to remind yourself that you and God are the majority. He has given you ability, courage and strength (i.e anointing and dynamic power). And with that you can tackle and slay these 'giants' before you, one at a time.

Ready for battle?

P.S. Just remember that God wants to use you in spite of you (your flaws and insecurities). For He knows your value and the potential you possess.

What 'giant' is God calling you to yield unto Him?

- Mel ♡♥♡


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