
For the past few weeks, my calendar has been filled with projects. And I have seen God make a few things a reality in my life. Yet, I still have been feeling Him tug at my heart. And the Holy Spirit has prompt me to persevere this year...To be persistent and pursue the big and small dreams He has placed in my heart.

Intrigued by this prompting I looked up the word 'Persevere' in the Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology and found that firstly, it is a verb (it is something one does). And secondly, it refers to God's permanence and steadfastness under pressure.

I then recalled a time, years ago when I created my own little 'vision board' and I would paste pictures of various things on this board:
→ Things I wanted to do (mainly go on a few adventures and ways I could bless others).
→ Passions I wanted to pursue.
→ Things I wanted to possess.
→ Places I desired to see.
→ Goals I hoped to achieve and a number of other things.

On some days, I would stare at this board and my dreams would not only bring me joy but they would also overwhelm me. I wondered, how I'd ever attain these things or accomplish those goals but somehow God calmed my anxious heart. And He reminded me that it could be done...if I trusted Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). So I did.

At first, I struggled with the idea that God might not want the same things I wanted which was foolish of me, I know. But I felt like at times, Him and I were on two different pages when it came to the plans for my life. And that frightened me. However, I soon found out (and I am continuously finding out) that His plans for my life are much bigger and better than the ones that I had. And thankfully so.

See, like the loving Father that He is, God knows best (Jeremiah 29:11) and He knows precisely what we need before it becomes a necessity. And in that moment, when I felt overwhelmed, His still small voice was spurring me on, saying, "Melisha, you can do it honey!". "You can do hard things. Just look at some of the things you've overcome and accomplished".

The same message applies to you.

Maybe you feel like giving up or giving in but I'd like to remind you that the great men and women you look up to, were once where you are today.
They endured in their own share of hardships but they KEPT ON GOING.
They were ridiculed by people but they KEPT ON GOING.
They were exhausted but they KEPT ON GOING.
They may have heard a few "No's" before they heard a "Yes",
had many failed attempts and experienced greater rejection
than they would've liked to but they KEPT ON GOING.

And so can you!
For God knows every one of those dreams which are hidden deep within your heart. He knows the potential you possess and He frequently reminds us that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 1:37).

If there is one thing that I have learned over the years, it is that things do not always go as planned and people don't always understand us, our purpose or support things we do but that shouldn't be the reason we give up our hopes and dreams.
No! Instead of letting challenges sidetrack you or damped your spirits, let it strengthen your heart and teach you valuable lessons which you can apply to your life and later pass on to others. For surely, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

You can do everything through Him who gives you strength (Philippians 4:13).

P.S. Do not get tired of doing what is good. For at the right time you will reap a harvest of blessing if you don't give up (Galatians 6:9).

- Mel ♡♥♡


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