Too Early or Too Late?

'In a state of transition'. That is where I have been for quite some time...Away from the comfort zone. And I have heard those five words ringing in my ears over and over again. Words which have clung to my heart and affirmed that God is perfect in all of His ways.

On a daily basis He nudges me to follow Him and I admit, there are times when I do try hurry a few things along. Yet He holds me back. Sometimes by 'chance' I encounter a detour or two along the way and they would remind me that change is constant but God is the same today, tomorrow and the day after that (He is unchanging). I know that I should not rush the process and continually ask, "When Lord, when?" but, I do so anyway. (Bad habit, I know). On top of that, I personally hate being rushed to do something or get somewhere. And I can only imagine how God feels when we rush Him. So I have been determined to use my time wisely and practice patience. Make the most of the situations I find myself in, good and bad as I realize the brevity of life.

I've started making enquiries about the importance of time and I came across a quote by Anaïs Nin which states that, "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are". Profound, I thought to myself. How do we become more in tune with God's Will for our lives and understand that His timing is significant and perfect?  As I pondered on those words, I was reminded of a lecture I attended years ago and the speaker specifically utilized several types of glasses to make her point. Dark blue sunglasses. Red aviator-like sunglasses. Spectacles. Each time she put on a pair of glasses, her perception of reality changed. She would see things as dark blue, tinted red or crystal clear. The speaker hit a nerve that day and illustrated that our cultural differences, gender, nationality and race all alter the way we view the world. And as we change (take on new challenges or purposely re-calculate our route), our views of life also change. Thus, we redefine our perception of life.

I have heard of people describing life as a rollercoaster, a game of cards and others even go as far as describing it as a party. The figure of speech you utilize merely reveals your perspective on life (your life), where you're currently at and where you are headed. To some of you reading this post, it may seem like I'm analyzing you and making judgements but what I am actually trying to do, is illustrate that many of us view life differently because of our past experiences and the people we've come into contact with. For that reason, we are more likely to be in different seasons spiritually and they basically paint a picture of where we currently are in our lives. While the season one is in, sets the tone for one's experiences, expectations and opportunities.

On that note, let's take a closer look at each season - Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

〰 Summer speaks of warm temperatures. Spiritually, we may be able to say that it is well with our souls and our lives may be on track. But there are some days when the heat is almost unbearable! We have to realize that just as the Potter takes a piece of clay and shapes it into something prior to putting it into the furnance, so does God take us and mold us into a work of art. We may experience some pressure but it is only there to refine us. And strengthen us.
〰 During Autumn it gets a little chilly. Leaves begin to change colour, die and then fall down. Such seasons can trigger a loss of some sort - one's friends, job or even losing oneself. And this may call for change in one's habits and lifestyle to gain perspective.
〰 As for Winter, it is a season fashioned by the cold. It can be dreary and in our personal lives, it can leave us feeling vulnerable when things are not going our way. We may undergo painful events, feel that God is distant and may not even understand how anything good can come from them. But these events stretch your faith and you can find comfort in knowing that you do NOT experience turmoil because God is mad at you. Rather He is mad about you! You're constantly on His mind and He wants to be your friend. And when trials come, it may be hard to take your eyes off the problem as they may bend you just as strong winds bend branches of a tree. But He wants you and I to dig a little deeper. Draw strength from Him and know that the devil is a thief. And he only comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10) but Jesus came to earth and died so we could have an abundant life. Therefore, use this time to sow your tears (Psalm 126:5-6). When you are going through a rough patch, look past the obstacles and begin to dream, hope and plan again. That way you can prepare yourself for the beautiful days ahead of you. For when we stay in faith, God always brings the right people and opportunities across our paths at the appropriate time and season.
〰 And lastly we have Spring, which calls for a season of planting. It gives way to the new and permits that things and people bloom. There may be a few rainy days in our lives but they give way to new growth and refresh us. And if there is one thing which we can take away from transitions it is that each season prepares you for the next one to follow. For there is a season and time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). A time to plough, plant, water and then harvest.

With that said, every time you open the Word, know that God is speaking to you through His Word. Listen and share your life experiences with Him. For as each season passes, a new one follows and we should not allow ourselves to get stuck in one season. Nor should we rush the process instead let's submit to His timing. Each season has a pupose, let's embrace it and be present.

{James 4:14 poses the following question, "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog - it's here a little while, then it's gone".

Think about that statement for a minute. Your life on earth is short and eternity is long. And regardless of the season you're in, God wants to live in your heart but like a visitor He cannot come in unless you invite Him in. If you would like to invite Him into your heart, pray the following with me:

Lord, thank you for loving me and sending Jesus to die on the cross for me. Thank you for washing away all my sins. Today I ask Jesus to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and have your way in me in Jesus' name I pray, amen.}

- Mel ♡♥♡


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