The gloves are off!

Sometimes we let our guards down. We become too trusting and we open up to others, risking rejection. We may take a few hard knocks. A few jabs here and a left hook there. Some of these shots we see coming and others, well they basically take us by surprise. And they may cause us to lose our balance and stumble a bit. But in the end, we get back up, we dust ourselves off, fight some more and go for the knockout. I personally know what it is like for people to undermine and intimidate you as a result of being female. And some men and women may milk such ideas for what they're worth. But the fact remains, we all have strengths and weaknesses. And we need to remind ourselves and others, that as much as we lead people by our strengths, we also connect with them through our weaknesses. Particularly, those of which we hide, resent and sometimes defend.

There are instances when life or circumstances leave us feeling vulnerable. And our failures get the better of us and we shut people out. We may feel weary of sharing our personal feelings, frustrations and fears with others. But the fact remains, there is no shame in admitting that you are different from other individuals because God made you that way and He has done so on PURPOSE. The abilities you and I have are a strong indication of what God wants us to do with our lives and this is because He matches our calling with our capabilities. And He wants us to know that we too can block out the negativity, roll with the punches and figuratively speaking, last more than 12 rounds in a ring. (That is Joshua 1:9 in a nutshell, calling us to be strong and courageous, for God is with us everywhere we go).

By no means was this post written to degrade men and argue that 'Whatever men can do, women can do it better'. Rather, I want men and women to know that they are equal but different. "What does that mean?" you may ask. Just think of a 108 piece puzzle for a second. Each piece is unique, special, necessary and when we put all the pieces together, they depict a masterpiece. And that is what we are as human beings. We look the way we do for a reason. We both have God-given strengths, responsibilities and a role to play in society. Some provide, protect and others comfort and nurture. And I know that there are times in life when we do not see the devil for who he is (a liar and a thief). We may buy into His lies and get upset with the wrong people (particularly when things do not go our way). We may lash out, fight fire with fire but that doesn't solve the problem. We have to realize that the devil always fights the hardest when he knows that God has something great in store for us. Therefore, let that be your motivation for extinguishing the fire (overcoming the problems you are experiencing). The devil's main aim is to take you out, hinder your growth and stop particular things from happening in your life. But he is no match for you and God (Isaiah 14:27). For he only fears what the future holds for him. We should try solve problems with the Word, prayer and actions. Instead of merely reacting, let's turn the other cheek purposely knowing that the battle is the Lord's and the victory is ours. For He is more than capable of handing it all. And He will use your strengths and weaknesses for His glory (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Do also understand that the stuff you're going through right now, may test your endurance. But God knows that you can do hard things. And you may have to draw strength from Him and that is more than okay, for He is your refuge after all (Psalm 41:1). Whatever you are going through will pass. But we have to do our part and be active and aggressive (Matthew 11:12). Push through the pain and build each other up (Proverbs 27:17). Realize that our wounds too, are tools in His hands. Thus, perfection is not the standard or requirement here. Because being like the world is not His goal. God wants us to be stronger, wiser and whole as His people.

And I love the fact that God is never limited by our perceived limitations. Limitations and weaknesses are rather a reason to depend more on Him. For He chooses us even when people overlook us. And He encourages us to put our gear on (our armour). Guard out hearts and minds. Take our position. Pray earnestly. Pray without ceasing. An old friend once encouraged me with these words and I would like to do the same for you today. She said, "Power falls where prayer prevails". She was right! When you know in your heart that God is powerful, you will not be afraid to pray dangerous prayers. For our prayers do not fall on deaf ears, but they produce fruit (Isaiah 55:11).

So, will you fight like the warrior that you are? Will you take authority over death, poverty and sickness (Luke 10:19)? And will you stand on the finish work of the cross, knowing that Jesus overcame the world (John 16:33) and he is moulding you into the man or woman that he wants you to become? The choice is yours.

P.S. Keep going, especially when you feel like quiting.

- Mel ♡♥♡


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