Rise again

Well, we're more than halfway through the year and this journey with the Lord continues. God has been dealing with my heart about the issue of discontentment and 'just settling' with the mediocre. I know for some of you this journey has not been an easy one and you may have had a few roadblocks, turns and even stops along the way to say the least. But you keep going, secretly longing for something deeper - hoping to (re)discover who you are and what you were made for. And also answer the following question, "What am I supposed to do now?". The best advice I could give you, is to listen and be sensitive to God's leading. And by that, I mean you should be on the lookout for He's hand moving in your circumstances.

I know that life is full of surprises. Good surprises and bad ones. And there may be moments in your life when you should feel content but instead you feel spiritually dead and worn out. That light that used to shine so brightly and boldly, is now dim. And getting up in the morning feels like a chore but it is necessary my friend. Because getting up shows that you're willing to try again and fight for what you want. I looked up the word rise and found that it refers to one moving upwards, increase and growth. And the Bible states that the goodly may trip (fall) seven times but they will get back up again (Proverbs 24:16). In another reference a Japanese proverb translates that as one rising back the 8th time. That means that you may have made more mistakes or bad decisions than you can count, but what really matters most is that you get back up, make adjustments and give it another go. And instead of taking revenge (taking things into your own hands and paying evil back with evil) you let God be your avenger (Romans 12:19). We need to draw close to Him and permit that He draws closer to us (James 4:8). But when we don't guard our ear gates, eye gates, mouth gates and our heart gates from evil (when we listen to or partake in gossip or even watch garbage) it alters our thinking and behaviour, leading to negative consequences. Thus, disrupting our lives in one way or another. And it is those things that make one unclean (Matthew 15:18-20). Yet we can come to the throne of grace and know that God's mercy is new every morning. We can ask Him to change us from the inside out. For He is able to transform us and transform our thoughts as we permit Him to teach us His Will for our lives (Romans 12:2).

See, one very important statement made in the Bible is that death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). And death speaks of separation. If we continue to speak incorrectly that's what we attract. I love the point Charles Capps makes in his book (God's Creative Power), you and I can have what we say. But often we speak about what the currently have. Sometimes we confess the wrong things such as lack, sickness and defeat because we look at what others have in comparison to us. We are quick to pass judgement onto others and forget that we too will be judged (Matthew 7:1-2). We need to change such thinking and be thankful IN all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Confess and affirm health, life, success and victory. We need to have a good attitude despite what we're going through and who hurt us. And find comfort in knowing that tough times don't last, but tough people do. When we wake up everyday with the intention of being a blessing to someone else, then we too will attract blessings. For I truly believe what we make happen for others, God will make happen for us.

I, personally am often inspired by people who have encountered hardships and failed at particular things in life, yet they did not let those things get them down. Or define them. They are resilient and keep going. They let the wealth of experience make them rich. They try harder and take up their own cross and follow Jesus. And such an attitude not only changes one's environment, it changes us as it sparks the idea that good things can happen to us and through us. For what the devil intended for evil, God will use for good.

The devil too, may have tried to destroy various things in your life. But God is more than able to resurrect dead things and people. Lazarus is proof of that. So is Jesus. They overcame obstacles and so can you and I. And it all starts with welcoming God into your life and into your heart. Asking for forgiveness and believing that He can resurrect your life, dead dreams and situations. God is able to realign things and restore them. And if you've been wronged, He will be your vindictor.

I once heard someone say that, "Life is a series of decisions and later intersections". The decisions we make today will affect our future. And if you don't like where you're headed, make a change. For until you decide to be filled with Jesus, you will always feel empty.

So go on, choose to finish your race strong! Rise up! Don't accept defeat. Push through the pain, the inconvenience and discomfort because nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37 and Ephesians 3:20).

The best is yet to come.

- Mel ♡♥♡


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