Waving Goodbye to Complacency

I am not sure about you, but I do not like the idea of myself standing still in life and feeling like I'm going nowhere slowly. The thought just does not sit well with me. But I can relate to feeling stuck and complacent. And when things aren't going the way we would like them to, we miss having that old safety net as the unknown scares us a little (or a lot).

I took a look at the word complacent in the Oxford dictionary a few weeks ago and found that it describes an individual who is uncritically satisfied with himself or herself. I'm not sure about you, but to some extent this definition suggests or rather implies, that an invidual has been conditioned to 'settle' and has bought into the idea that this is as good as life gets. One may no longer push the envelop or desire to go to new heights because one has lost that passion, that drive one used to have. And by clinging onto comfort (s)he hopes to find security, fulfilment and joy but all (s)he gets in return is the total opposite. It may look like (s)he has been crushed but if you look at the situation in a different light, (s)he has actually been humbled.

A similar thing happens to us when we put a blindfold on real tight and are spun around. We stumble our way through, stomp toes and bump our heads. And its during that process that we allow ourselves to adjust to the new atmosphere. We try new things and when we do not succeed the first time, we try it again and again. And again! It is not until we pull the blindfold off our heads that we realize the importance of vision. The same thing applies to us spiritually. The Bible states that where there is no vision, people perish (Psalm 29:18). For that reason it is important that individuals obtain divine closure by purposely saying goodbye to unresolved conflicts, issues and mediocrity. And move towards something that motivates one to get up everyday. I believe that God has given each and every one if us dreams and visions (Acts 2:17). And fulfilling that dream in your heart, gives you a new lease on life. Some of those dreams may be dormant, misplaced or just waiting to be discovered. But we have to take initiative. Walk with purpose, take our eyes off the obstacles and always remember that God has bigger plans for our lives than we have for ourselves (Jeremiah 29:11). I know that all of this is not as easy as it sounds. And there will be days when you feel like staying in bed and giving up but don't give in! For when the old doors you knocked on don't open, be willing to find new doors or take on a new approach. For a leap of faith may be just what you need today. After all, faith is the confidence that what we hope for, will actually happen, it gives us assurance about things we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1).

We need to be willing to see 2017 as a blank canvas. Speak what we seek, not what we currently see. And put our actions in line with those words. Last year, I come across a few students who often used the word 'can't' daily. Whenever they tried something new or had to complete an activity that required greater effort and concentration, they would give up in the early stages and later receive disappointing marks . I would pay attention to the words that came out of their mouths. "I can't do this," "I can't do that," they would say. Immediately I would have to correct them and remind them that they can do whatever they put their minds to. It required a lot of work at first and patience but as time went by, they gained greater confidence and improved in those tasks. The same rule applies to us adults. We all have great potential yet what slows us down at times is wrong thinking. Therefore, just as we detox our bodies, we need to detox our brains.

And how do we do that?
We take captive every wrong or negaive thought that doesn't line up with God's Word (2 Corinthians 10:5). We renew our mind daily (Romans 12:2), fill them with healthy thoughts and avoid complaining. I have done some research on detoxing and have found that it takes 21 days to break or develop new habits. If we then, decide to detox our mind and clear it from all the negative stuff we see and hear and meditate instead on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and admirable we will not only keep our peace but also gravitate towards a brighter future. And I, personally find great comfort in what Philippians 3:13-14 says, "...I have not yet achieved it, but I focus in this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I press on to reach the end of the race and receieve the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us".

And that's exactly what we should do as men and women. We should make progress and not excuses. No matter how big or small the task ahead of us is, we can complete it and attain amazing results. Because forward is forward, regardless if it's one step or a hundred.

I know that sometimes we stand in our own way. But I love what Lisa Bevere once said, "Fear will hold you in slavery if you allow it". And I would like to emphasize the "if" in that statement. Don't let fear or the past keep you in bondage. Don't be the reason why you don't succeed in life. Instead press on. Go deeper. Welcome the unfamiliar and give God your all until the end. After all, far better things await us, than any we leave behind.

- Mel ♡♥♡


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