Onward and Upward

Hello lovelies,

As a new dawn breaks and a new year has begun I want to take this opportunity to blog about moving on in life and looking foward, not back. I see so many people spend more time fixated on things they cannot change and less time making positive changes and moving forward. Too often they despise the days of small beginnings. They find beginnings hard. And I know that I can relate to feeling stuck in one or two areas of life myself. But what we may not have realized is that we sometimes 'feel stuck' because we are holding onto offences, experiencing resistance or possibly living in the past. And this may only harden one's heart, grieve the Holy Spirit and stunt one's growth if we don't make the necessary changes.

I know that sometimes, we as women, do (un)consciously accessorize our weaknesses by making excuses for others and ourselves. We also conceal our sorrows with temporary happiness, trying to fill the void with materialistic things. But the truth remains, crying over spilled milk and clinging onto the past won't address the core issue. In some instances these acts only make matters worse.

What we really need to do instead, is ask God to heal and soften our hearts and then learn how to guard our hearts properly (Proverbs 4:23) and our minds. We can also be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger (James 1:19). All of this may indeed be easier said than done, but I do believe the more we cultivate such an attitude and lifestyle, the easier it will become for us to make progress in life. For even when we hear negative reports or critiques, we can ignore them and keep them from taking root in our hearts and minds.

For when we are willing to begin where we are, we can examine ourselves and make the necessary changes. We can take a closer look at our own hearts and lives and determine if they are bearing good or bad fruit (Galatians 5:19-23). And if don't like what we see, we can ask God to create in us a pure heart and a steadfast (loyal) spirit (Isaiah 51:10). We can also sow a seed of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Then, watch as those deposits (seeds) exceed our expectations, causing us to embark on new adventures, impart a new vision and even grant us courage to do something great.

I found Mark 2:22 a while ago and this scripture caught my attention. For it speaks of wineskins and new wine. In essence it refers to new life, a new anointing and new opportunities. And sometimes that is desperately needed so that the sparkle in our eyes can be restored. So that we can have a fresh start and a new self (Ephesians 4:22-24). Yet, I love the fact that we don't need to re-invent ourselves but we can grab hold of His new mercies every morning (Lamentation 3:22-23). We can rise up, look up and step up everyday. We can intentionally choose to press forward. Choose to press on, knowing that God is on our side and He'll never fail us. For we can trust Him. And we can let Him take us on a new adventure. After all, He is in the business of making people new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

So, I encourage you all to get your fire back. Let the Lord birth something in you as you declare His promises! And welcome His healing and new experiences. Even if it is a little scary and uncomfortable at times, don't let that get you down. Embrace the new things He brings forth (Isaiah 42:9). And ask Him to show you His plans (Jeremiah 29:11), then watch Him surprise you.

- Mel ♡♥♡


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