Matters of the Heart

Sometimes we get frustrated. We get hurt. We become impatient. We hold anger in when we are dissatisfied and experience an injustice. And we get tired of wondering, 'Why?'. Why haven't people or circumstances changed? Why are we still walking around the same, old mountain? Why are things not happening as fast as we would like? But the answer lies in the simple truth that we can't change others, yet we can ask God to change us. And we can take our eyes off the problem and fix them on Him and His Word, because staying angry won't solve any problems. Neither will hiding behind a mask and wallowing in self-pity.

But, when we realise that we can't change on our own... That you and I need God and we need His help. Then, we can admit that we need a saviour, someone who saves us from danger or harm. And even from ourselves. Who puts us in situations where we have to make a few adjustments, willingly and unwillingly. And we have to look at ourselves and determine whether we pass on judgement on others. If we are, we must realize that we are actually trying to be God in their life and that is not our rightful place. Instead we should find comfort in knowing that we are called to play different roles in society and change the way we look at things. And as we do so, our attitudes will change and our focus will be adjusted. Then, we will watch as the situation transforms before our very eyes. It might not happen over night, but it will happen over time.

"How?" you may ask. Well, this is how I see it:

1) As hard and painful as it is at times, we have to look past people's sin and look to God. We must come to the realization that God is able to give us a new heart and new spirit. And He too, can soften hardened places in our hearts (Ezekiel 36:26), especially those instances that have affected how we love others. He can change one's heart (Deuteronomy 30:6). Making it more tender and responsive, yet teach us to be mindful of what we allow to enter (Proverbs 4:23). And because He gives us a mind like Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), we can LEARN how to be well-balanced and not stay angry. We can watch our thoughts so they can bear good fruit. I recently came across a book I read years ago by Joyce Meyer (tiltled Battlefield of the mind), and it reminded me of what strongholds are. They are areas which keep us in bondage, making us prisoners of our thoughts and sin so to speak. And they consist of lies from the devil which we replay over and over in our minds. However, we can overcome them by obtaining God's truth (holding on tightly to the Word) and speaking it. And we can be set free.

2) Fix your priorities
That refers to one putting first things first. Starting your day right by speaking with God, for that is truly what praying is. It consists of us sharing our heart with Him. Bless Him at all times. Granting Him FIRST PLACE in our lives and FIRST CONSIDERATION in our decisions. And giving Him the FIRST PORTION of our pay. To me, that is what seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness means (Matthew 6:33). And we must take responsibility for our actions and no longer make excuses so we can continue to grow and move forward.

3) Move beyond your borders
On many occasions when we want change, we have to do something different so we can get a different result. And I know that it's not easy stepping out. Many of you reading this post, may love your comfort zone so much that the mere thought of DOING something different, scares you. However, we can learn to respond to others in a positive way. For example, we can pray for those who have hurt us. I know some of you may not be entirely fond of the idea, but you can have peace knowing that the battle is the Lord's. And you can ask Him to help you let go of the things moving out of your life and be more thankful for what's coming in. For He is able to restore relationships (Joel 2:25), direct your steps and change the course of your life.

4) Guard your heart the right way
We have to GUARD our hearts: deal with wounds immediately and keep our hearts pure (Matthew 5:8). That means that we need to stay clear of hatred and lust etc. Stay away from toxins, so we can free yourselves from offense, unforgiveness, bitterness, greed, envy and anger so that those things don't take root in our hearts. For that reason we must be mindful of what we permit in, in our minds, in our inner circles and in our hearts. And also, realize that when we are angry, we must not sin. That means we must not let fury last longer than necessary (Ephesians 4:26-27).

5) And lastly, deal with jealousy head on
If we don't deal with jealousy head on, it can get the better of us and also lead to anger once again. Just have a look at Cain (Genesis 4). And it may open the door to resentment and condemnation, permitting all sorts of things to creep into our minds and hearts. Thus, we need to learn how to RESPOND CORRECTLY and not merely react (Romans 12:21). Because holding onto anger and jealousy is a path to self-destruction, not self-control. Not to mention that they both also try to steal your joy. And the way I see it, being miserable all the time isn't any fun. We need to learn to appreciate those things that make us unique and different. After all, God gave us particular gifts and talents for a reason, and we need to make sure they do not go to waste by us wishing we could do something else.

I hope this post has helped you in some way and may you always remember that we all have 'baggage', but we don't have to carry it alone or at all for that matter. Because all 'baggage' does at times, is weigh us down and makes the journey less enjoyable. So, learn to take the limits off yourself and God. Choose to travel light.

P.S. Always remember that things don't need to make complete sense for you to act or move. Just take the first step and don't stop walking.

- Mel ♡♥♡


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