Getting Past The Past


Hello friends 

I started this 'journal' a few years ago with the intention of sharing my journey with you. And I wondered how many of you have gone through something traumatic and survived... I wonder if your outlook on life has changed in some way and if you're in a new season yourself or if you're stuck in the past...

For some time now I've been wanting to blog about knowing who you are and turning your mourning into praise. At first I didn't quite know how to put this all together, however, I wanted to keep this post authentic and simple. And that's exactly what I plan to do.

Some of you already know part of my story and I know that each one of you ŕeading this, have a story of your own.

Throughout my life I've had encounters with people who were once victims of abuse, abandonment, betrayal, discrimination, fear, fraud, alcoholism and sickness etc. Their stories alone reminded me of various scars that remained, but also what an inspiration they are to others and the bravery that they possess. And I believe that even though they experienced unexpected tragedy, God will and does work all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

I know that when one hears the term, "Victim" we often picture someone who experienced something traumatic and possibly life-changing. As I took a closer look at this subject matter, I found out that a victim is actually described as a person who has been harmed, discriminated or taken advantage of. He or she may often struggle to adapt and adjust. For their life experiences don't always feel good and it may not even feel fair but I still believe that God can use those things that were meant for your harm and use them for your advantage. It may not seem possible at first, but nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:7).

It may not feel like it when you're going through a trial and when things look like a complete mess. But He will bring something good out of a bad situation. It might not happen right this second, yet it WILL happen. Adapting to change sometimes takes time as it is a process in many cases. And when you've been so accustomed to the way things have been, it may take some time and work to get used to something new, to be comfortable and at ease. But give yourself time to adjust and you will learn to embrace change and not dread things as much as you once did.

Please note that when we're fixated on the pain and loss of yesterday, we aren't coping too well with a situation. We lose sight of John 10:10 that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. We may even have trouble navigating from victim to survivor. But we need to find our reason for living, our motivation. And allow that mark of pain to be transformed into something else as you acknowledge it and forgive those who hurt you. So you can be set free from the baggage you've been carrying.

Then you will move to the next step in your life, learning to be okay with not understanding why. And keep this in mind, if God wants you to know why, He will tell you. But also have peace knowing that if God does not want you to know why, you need to leave it alone. Stop digging! Proverbs 25:2 states that it is God's privilege to conceal things. But He will tell us what we need to know when we need to know it.

Sometimes we may be in the dark about what is going on in our lives, but remember this:
God isn't in the dark.
Our victory is in Jesus Name. And I have learned from personal experiences to lay down my need to understand why things happen the way that they do. God may ask that of you too, and that doesn't mean that you're going backwards. So obey His command.

Take the experiences you've overcome and let it humble you, so you can shut doors of the past. And only once they have been closed, can the next door be opened. For if you continue to hold on to the old (the pain, bitterness and unforgiveness), you won't be able to experience the new things God is doing. You won't see the new opportunities He put in your path and the blessings He's given you.

I like what Carl Lentz once said, "Don't allow one season to become your whole story". And those are some wise words there. You have to release those negative experiences and close the door to bitterness, resentment and self-pity. That way you make your life count by making the necessary changes, so you have better outcome by the end of 2019.

The best is yet too come lovelies.
I believe that, do you?
"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season, we will reap, if we don't give up" (Galatians 6:9).
Expect the best and know that with God's help you will attain the best.

P.S. If nothing changes, nothing changes. {Read that again slowly}
So make the necessary changes on the inside and the results will follow on the outside. Yes, it might be a little scary at first but you will get accustomed to those changes and it won't be so daunting.

- Mel


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