The Next Chapter

"Little by little, one travels far." - J.R R. Tolkien

As I continue to embark on another adventure this year, I thought it would be fitting to do some reflection as I am a reflector after all. And introspection is good for growth.

I look back to a year ago, when I felt a little displaced, like I didn't belong where I was. And you may feel like that too at your workplace or school etc. I realized that I needed to be repotted, so I could continue to grow. I had to ask myself a few tough questions like, "What is it that God is calling me to do? Have I outgrown the 'pot' I was put in? Am I content?". 

And I took some time to search for those answers as I stepped away from certain things. I later realized that I needed to be uprooted and re-planted as I felt fruitless and no longer effective. I needed to be refilled by God himself and step out. And I needed to fully grasp this notion: God isn't asking me to focus on what it is that I can't do.

See, I was searching for something... Yet, I was also in no rush to find 'that thing' that I missed and be replanted. So I let Him quiet me by His love (Zephaniah 3:17). And I began to water the seeds (of faith) I've been given on a regularly basis and work on nourishing my mind, body and soul. I had to learn to praise Him in this process, in the transition so I could think clearer and let Him work on me. I also had to take time to repent for taking offense as forgiveness is the key to breakthrough (Matthew 6:15). And it was like I was cutting away a few old roots and permitting others to grow and be strengthened. It was a little painful at first and I had to learn how to embrace other soil. But I also used this time to get some understanding on an issue. And it's during that time that I learned that I am being rebuilt. There may have been a few pieces of me that have been missing, but I know I will find the right pieces in due time.

I may have had an image in my head of how the end product (me) should look and what parts of me needed to be worked on, but God has something different in mind. He's getting the basics (the foundation) right, asking me to give Him free reign over me as I'm the building site and not simply a plain pot-plant. For He's the architect who plans to prosper and not harm us, to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). And He wants you and I to give Him the mandate to build us up (Colossians 2:6-7). But we beed to remember that the key to receiving good gifts and breakthrough comes from asking God. So I began asking for answers, help and guidance.

And I had to be patient with receiving them. I realize now, that I'm in a new season of my life and it feels kinda strange to say the least. Starting over isn't easy and familiarity is what I've clung to for years! I may not be quite sure of where this road leads, but one thing I am certain of, is that God is with me. He's working in me and through me. And I must continue to yield to Him, give Him the space and time to complete the work He started.

For in due time I will see that He let particular seasons and events prepare me for what He has for me. And I must remember that my obedience to Him and His Word will be tested... To see if I would do as He asks. And make sacrifices and still honour Him with my life. You too, may have to lay down the very things you love or have dreamed of at His alter this year.

Tests will be put before you and I.
And though we may not see the purpose of each one, I know that I have to learn to be open to the idea of letting them develop me for the next chapter of my life. I have to allow them to correct me and put me in alignment with Him and His plan. 

It won't always be smooth sailing, especially when we're under pressure or face extreme conditions. We have to make sure we don't crack. Remain good stewards. (Re)learn to serve Him and others and make things happen for them, knowing that what we do for others, God will do for us. And as we give ourselves to Him and serve Him, we permit Him to fill us up again and again. So we can stay focused and have a good attitude through it all. So we can continue to wait until God says, "Go" or "You're ready for the next phase". For we need Him to bring His plan to pass, yet we must learn to wait well and not complain during the process (Romans 8:22-25). And we can do so by not dwelling on what does not produce life.

I know that I still have a lot to learn and that a season of discomfort is just temporary, it's a stepping stone to something better. But as I take my eyes off of it, I can see the areas in which I have grown.

I encourage you to take everyday and choose to live for an audience of One, for you are already accepted and loved by Him.

Choose to focus on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable (Philippians 4:8) and not all the bad stuff. It doesn't matter what onlookers say. Keep sowing. I know that it isn't always easy to brush things off. But when we take time each day to thank Him for His goodness and blessings, we learn to embrace slower rhythms of life when they come and we don't let the past poison our lives. And in doing so we actually take delight in the Lord and know that He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4).

For we will reap a harvest in due time.
We will have 'new wine'. God will unleash a fresh outpouring. And I love what Psalm 34:10 says, that "Those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing".
So trust Him. Seek Him in all that you do and He will show you which path to take (Proverbs 3:6) ☺.

P.S. Everything is a process

- Mel


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