Just Keep Going

'The only way to avoid being left behind is to start moving'

Hello lovelies,

I recently heard those words and they caught my attention for a brief moment. I wondered, how often in life do you feel like you've been left behind, trying to catch up to the others?

You may think that everyone else is further ahead of you and you're well, stuck...
Stuck in the past.
Stuck in the middle.
Stuck in a rut.
Feeling like you got detailed. Forgetting about the good seeds that have taken root in your mind and heart because you're feeling inadequate and disappointed at this point in time. 

But what you may have also failed to see, is that you aren't moving anymore because you aren't running or even soaring for that matter. You've given up. You've settled. You've taken the backseat willingly and you've been looking out at the window for quite some time now. Admiring the scenery around you because you haven't quite allowed yourself to step out and actually smell the roses and feel those soft petals you see.

You haven't begun to truly live!
You're merely existing... which is not much of a life as you tend to focus more on what you have lost, as opposed to that which you could gain. But you can find greater purpose in your life when you realize that you can't control what happened in the past. You can however, embrace the new and unfamiliar. Let go of the plans and images in your head of 'how it's supposed to be'. Because who's to say that the plans that have fallen apart, may have actually permited that His plans fall into place?

I know that there have been moments in my life, where I have felt as if my life didn't necessarily make complete sense at first glance, much like a jumbled up puzzle. I didn't have a clear image of how 'this puzzle' was meant to look like in it's entirety and it frightened me a little. But what I have realized is that when we try force particular pieces to stay together, we are only fooling ourselves as some pieces weren't ever meant to be binded together in the first place. And it's difficult to adapt to something that isn't for you. I know the truth of that statement may hurt at first and you may be stunned. But don't let that stop you from moving on. Don't stay longer in that uncomfortable situation than is necessary.

Change your perception.
For, when we deconstruct those pieces and begin searching for those that are well suited for each other, we can make progress. We can make changes. We can rediscover who we are and what we are capable of doing. Not to mention what we can handle. And that type of progress is a step forward. For we are finding the path towards wholeness, through Jesus.

And He is interested in the process, your journey because it is unique. Because you are unique. Just look at your fingerprints. I look at my own fingers tips and I'm in awe that God took the time to consider every single miniscule detail of our being. He's the Ultimate Planner who has left nothing untouched. Yet, He continues to teach us that our actions, faith and words make all the difference. He pours out His love on us to quench our thirst. And He offers us 'a meal' - the Bread of Life so we can be fed, share it with others and so they too, can be fed spiritually. Grow. Mature.

Some of you reading this post may be dealing with a messy situation, and the road you're travelling on may feel a little rocky as the tests keep coming. You may begin to replay those particular instances that took place in your life. And question whether you made the right decision. But what you should actually do is deal with the internal battle in your mind. For change begins on the inside and spreads to the outside. That way we permit the Word of God to bring change to our lives as we begin to apply it daily. And we can find greater comfort in knowing that the 'plot twists and turns' we experience are no surprise to Him.

And if there's one thing you take away from this post, may it be this, God isn't the one who is holding you back. In fact, He wants you to be free (Galatians 5:8). He wants you to do things even if you're afraid at first. That also refers to asking yourself those tough questions you've been avoiding. You don't have to be defensive. You can seek healing and restoration for He is after all Jehova Rapha, the Lord who heals (Exodus 15:26 and Isaiah 61:1). And healing is part of His will for us. You can give Him free reign to clean you up inside. Let Him breathe into you and give you life and revival. As it's okay to admit that you haven't 'arrived' and you're still on your way.

I looked at Isaiah 43:1-3 and it conveys a strong message as it speaks to you when you feel troubled. "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name, you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through fire of oppression, you will not be burned up. The flames will not sonsume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior".

As a woman, I am more attuned emotionally and I incubate words. I heard the above scripture and took those words to heart as they reminded me to value integrity, humility, fidelity, courage and patience during hardships. So I can recieve and transform what was given to me as I know that God is fighting for me. He's on my side. And I can remain at peace when I feel like I'm in a furnace. 

For if there is one thing the devil cannot handle, it's a peaceful Christian. It angers him when he sees that circumstances won't consume you and that you don't 'smell of smoke'. You know that you've been protected and equipped. And you've multiplied what was given to you. That's what counts at the end of the day. Pushing through and trying again.

So let hope arise in you today as you move forward.
Keep going!
Keep living even if the devil tries to wear you down.
Let God connect all the dots and the path ahead will become clearer. For He is not one to leave a task incomplete. As He is after all, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. And take 1 Peter 5:10 to heart, for God will restore those who suffered, He will support and strengthen you. He will place you on a firm foundation.

P.S. You learn by living and growing

- Mel


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