Course correction

"Feedback is not failure. Life has a way of course correcting. Pay keen attention to the signs and indicators that God is using to prompt you to shift, change or move on! His Spirit is your divine GPS." - Juanita Bynum

I've read several stories and haven't realised until now, how easy it is to get lost. To miss a turn. To miss a message given. To lose something of value. To give into temptations. Sometimes we willingly put ourselves there and other times, it's the circumstances that are beyond our control that get us there. But what matters most, isn't how we got there, however, that we get (new and good) directions and get back on track. For sometimes God's plans for our lives are different from the road map we marked out for ourselves.

But I know that when we take a closer look at the signs and our lives themselves, we can see that God is prompting us to make a shift in certain areas. For everyone on this earth has a mission in life. And where God guides, He provides. He will show you which action to take or where to go. He will put in you the gifts of the spirit and when we need them, they will be available. Yet, it is imperative that we stay open to God and His leading. Stay awake and ready.

And as I type this post, I'm reminded of the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-13). They took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Yet half of them were foolish as they didn't take enough olive oil for their lamps. While the other half were wise and they brought along extra oil. And when the bridegroom was delayed, they all fell asleep. But at midnight they were awakened by a shout. They got up and prepared their lamps but the foolish bridesmaids asked for some oil as their lamps were going out. The wise bridesmaids however, didn't have enough for everyone. So the foolish bridesmaids had to go back and get oil. During that time, the bridegroom came and those that were ready went to the marriage feast and locked the door behind themselves. And sadly, the other five bridesmaids were locked out and missed out on something special. I found this story to be a bit of an eye-opener as I read it. For it was not just about a wedding. It went deeper than that, it spoke of a momentous occasion one was to prepare for. It reminded me that Jesus (as the groom) awaits his bride (the church, us). And we are to be ready for his return. That means that we don't just 'talk the talk'. But, we 'walk the walk' and we have actions to us back up.

I know personally that I want to be found amongst the wise bridesmaids. For God cares about our 'willingness' to do what He asks. And I share this story with you, so you may be ready too. For the Word of God is not only a source of comfort and reassurance whenever we feel overwhelmed, lost and scared. It's a guide. A bit of a map so to speak. One which encourages us not to give in to the pressure and spiral downwards. But aims to direct our steps if we give it a chance.

Which turn off will you take at the crossroad of your life? The one headed to 'Self Pity Avenue' or do you go past Disappointment Drive and towards Victory Arch?

You may have been on the wrong path for a very long time and you may even justified it. But I hope you realize that just as damage doesn't happen over night, sometimes neither does healing. You have to keep taking daily doses of medicine and vitamins so you make a full recovery. And the pain of recovery can be more painful than the injury itself, at first. But it's what you do with your disappointment and the hurt that truly matters. The devil wouldn't mind it if you happen to stay stuck in disappointment and grief. But God however, wants you to keep the faith, have hope, and hold on tight to His promises. That way you learn how you tune out the words of the devil.

And you may ask me, "How do I do that?".
My reply would be as follows:
Say, "Lord, I'm sorry. Forgive me and correct me. Give me wisdom. Lead me where my trust is without borders". And believe that you will receive His wisdom and guidance (James 1:6-7 and Psalm 119:133). It may be quiet at first, but don't be alarmed by the stillness. Embrace it instead and stay in HIS PRESENCE.
He will give you an answer. And when you find the direction in which God wants you to go, don't be deterred (discouraged and fearful). Follow through with what He asks of you. Multiply what you have been given. And look at what must go in your life, so you can grow. Take one step at a time, and then another. And another.

I love what Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts". As I mentioned in previous posts, we may not fully comprehend why events and circumstances end up the way they do. But the key is not in expecting to understand everything this side of heaven. Instead, remember that we are all on this earth for a purpose. You can go through dark places with a good attitude. And let Him strengthen your faith, direct your steps and use you.

P.S. Stay the course!
God can also use the dark places to bring us blessings.

Will you trust and accompany Him down another road? 

- Mel


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