Trying to Attain Perfection

Hello Lovelies

As I mentioned in previous posts, I'm a bit of a planner by nature. I like details. I enjoy making big plans and carrying out the little ones. But I also see the importance of God narrating everything and me just playing my role. Not trying to over-compensate or playing someone else's role, but leaving things to the way the Director wants them. At times this is not easy. I would get a little frustrated when things are not happening the way I thought they would. I keep pushing, foolishly. And He doesn't force me to go somewhere else. Sometimes He gives me exactly what I want, but the feeling and end-result that I once anticipated becomes anticlimactic. It's incongruent. 
Ever experienced that?

It doesn't truly satisfy me or bring me joy... that's because it wasn't done the right way. His way. And I then begin to see why I need a Director, a Guide.

One who knows exactly what He's doing and where He's going. He doesn't just 'wing it'. He knows the pathway like the back of His hand. He's not taken aback by weather conditions or even curveballs. He knows what to do when there's an emergency or crisis. And nothing is left to chance. For He knows the when, the how and the why.

My Jesus is that Guide!
He tells me not to worry and not to sweat the small stuff. And that is when I can see that what I sometimes call significant or necessary, isn't all that important. Matthew 6:28-32 says, "Why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don't work or make clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? So don't worry about these things, saying "What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father ALREADY KNOWS all your needs". I find this scripture reassuring as I know God knows not only our daily needs, but also our wants. And He doesn't want us to worry about everyday life.

Today I've chosen to blog about this because I realize that by spending too much time fussing over how to make things perfect, or rather appear perfect, we try cover our flaws. We try make it look effortless to look glamorous. Or painless to shed the extra weight that we forget what it's like to love our life and not hate, fear or regret the little things. We forget that God uses flawed people to advance His Kingdom, the Bible tells us that. We also forget that our lives are a gift from Him. And He knows what will give us true fulfilment, spiritual fulfilment.

For that reason we need to make sure we're chasing after the right stuff, not a fancy car, house or other materialistic things. Because perfection can be an idol when we're not careful. When we give it all our attention. When we run after things, people and not after Him and His heart. When we worship a gift and not the Gift-giver, we put insignificant things above Him.

But you can stop and make a U-turn. Starting now! Change the way you view things. See that we can't control the world and circumstances, but we can control our perspective and the state of our heart. We can change how we deal with the imperfect man or woman that we are, the imperfect friendship that we possess or the relationship we're in.

Be humble, gentle and patient with others and yourself. The Bible says, “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love" (Ephesians 4:2). That means that we should show some grace to others and ourselves because perfection isn't the standard God uses to deem us worthy of His love and acceptance. 

I know that the human kind of love that we have for each other isn't perfect, but that doesn't make it any less beautiful. Love covers multiple of sins (1 Peter 4:8). It makes things and people lovely. It's heard in shared laughter. It's seen in acts of kindness. And it's forged in patience and kindness. So, let's not forget that.

The next thing is taking time to meditate on His Word. Let His Word speak to you and to that situation you're dealing with. For His Word is our assurance that all will be well. Finding scriptures like Psalm 138:8 which states that the, "Lord will perfect that which conerns me" are comforting to me when life feels uncertain. For they remind me that He corrects and completes all that concerns me. He overlooks our imperfections, unkind words and actions. But He also wants us to be better and do better as His children.

For some of us independent men and women, it's a little hard to loosen up. But He wants us not only to loosen the reigns but give them to Him. Trust in Him. Rest in Him and don't buy into a fallacy that only perfection will make you happy. Because it won't! It will tire you out, running in circles.

Learn to breathe, pause...from your schedule, your To Do list and the busyness of life.
The bible says, "Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires" (Psalm 37:4). I'll break it down for you. The second clause of the sentence, depends on the first. If we take delight in, take pleasure in Him, then He will give us the desires and the petitions of our hearts.

P.S. Dear friend, please hear me when I say that you don't have to pretend your life is perfect when it isn't. You can however, call or cry out to Him. And trust Him to work it out, because He's got you! Also reach out to a friend when you need to be reminded that you should be striving for progress, not perfection.

- Mel


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