Chapter 32

Good morning lovelies,

So yours truly, turns 32 today 😊 and I've got so much to be thankful for. I'm reminded that God has a book on me and you (Psalm 139:16). This year marks a new chapter for me and a season of transitioning as I tap into my potential. I want to be more serious about my assignment here on earth and not be afraid of making mistakes. I want to see mistakes as evidence that I tried, even if I fail at first. I don't want fear to paralyze me but keep on trying. And since I am full of potential, I realize that I should not be the same person this year that I was last year, because everyday I am growing. This post is one which is based on a lot of reflection. 

Bare with me for a minute...

As this chapter begins, I've been more intrigued by the work God is doing. For those who know me personally, know that I like order (structure), respect, control as opposed to chaos and at times I tend to be analytical. I give things some thought and then I have questions. For I want to know the beginning to the end of a story, I want to know the 'why' and the 'when'. Yet I've come to accept that God reveals information in stages, paragraph by paragraph and not a chapter at a time. He doesn't push me into things before I'm ready for the next step. He doesn't reveal all the information at once, so I won't be overwhelmed instead He gradually paces me. He gives me grace, is patient with me, not too mention that He also calls me to go further and push the boundaries I set. Nudging me to have greater faith and trust His leading. 

And I admit...I realize that at times I want to rush things to get to the next level but God wants me to walk with Him and not run ahead of Him, only to bump my head and stump my toe. To be honest with you, I find this humbling as I know that at times I get ahead of myself. I want to know the journey, know the peaks, know the valleys, know the oppositions, know the strategies to overcome the enemies before me and let's not forget the conclusion. However, God already knows my end from my beginning (Jeremiah 29:11 and Ecclesiastes 3:15). He calls me to be strong and courageous in the presence of fear (Joshua 1:9). 

God won't give me a task that I'm incapable of handling because He's already given me the abilities I need to complete a task. He will break things down for me, sharing one line at a time, working on one weakness at a time. Strengthening the parts of me that need to be strengthened and diminishing that which is not like Him. Reminding me that He requires total dependence on Him. Emphasis on total. He also reminds me that He puts desires in my heart that only He can fulfill and He stirs me up so I remain mindful that I am destined for greatness. But if I don't pursue those things, be a good steward, take active steps towards those goals, I realize that I won't make any progress and I would be wasting my time here on earth, not to mention the gifts and talents God has given me. That's a scary thought. 

I have to pursue Him. Obey Him. Walk with Him. Run with Him when He calls me. And when I'm lost, call on Him. Search for things and not grab hold of the first thing my eyes behold. I learned that if I don't look deeper, try harder, test waters then I won't make progress. I will drown and sink to the bottom of the Sea of Complacency, especially if I give into fear or become consumed with worry. So I need to be on the look out for the clues He gives me. Watch out for the traps set by the enemy. Obey His instructions as He gives them. Stay close to Him. Pass the test the first time it is given by doing right by Him and not what I perceive is right for me. For I don't want to miss the things God wants me to learn and experience them in the wrong chapters of my life. No! I don't want to miss out on the many experiences and discoveries He has for me because I moved ahead of His schedule. And I don't want to be consumed with the wrong things. So I choose to wait when He says, "Wait". Yes, wait until He gives me the go-ahead or the next instruction, for Isaiah 60:22 states that "When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen". That's a promise. 

We all know that waiting isn't always easy but it is necessary. Like me, you may also need to be more submissive unto Him, continue doing what He tells you to do and when the time is right, He'll give you the next instruction. And then the next one and so it goes. Jesus understood the importance of times and seasons, and I realize that I need to do the same. I need not to question everything and worry but know that He is working (behind the scenes and everyday). 

If you've ever read Genesis 1 and 2 and Ephesians 3, you would know that God set things in motion a long time ago. He was intentional and specific with all His plans. He created solutions prior to problems and He always had an answer prior to the question being posed. That alone leaves me in awe of His greatness. When I'm surprised by something, God isn't. Nothing catches Him by surprise. I can picture Him anticipating my every move, directing my steps and putting things in place so I can persevere, be fruitful, conquer and have dominion...all before I even make a move.  

Nothing is too hard for God. Absolutely nothing. The process is necessary, even if it makes no sense at the current moment. But it will all come together in due time. 

- Mel


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