What Season Are You In?

Good morning friends, 

God measures our lives by purpose. And how you grow depends on the season of your spiritual life. 

As I mentioned in my previous post, we can't hurry God along. No matter how hard you try, you can't skip/fast-forward the current season you're in and head to the next one. Nature is evidence of that. Just look at Genesis 8:22, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease”. That's because time manifests itself in seasons and they indicate the order of nature. Before we can have flowers, we have to have a seed which requires sunlight, water, good soil and time. It needs to be planted, nurtured and as time goes by, it will sprout up. But each season also requires preparation, adjustments and rightfully so. Look at Ephesians 3:1-2, it says "TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted". (Read the rest of that same chapter which illustrates how time functions).

Some animals understand the seasons, while others adapt. Dear friends we need to become wiser and read between the lines.  Jeremiah 8:7 says, "[Even the migratory birds are punctual to their seasons.] Yes, the stork [excelling in the great height of her flight] in the heavens knows her appointed times [of migration], and the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane observe the time of their return. But My people do not know the law of the Lord [which the lower animals instinctively recognize in so far as it applies to them]."

Have you ever wondered, why we can't have one season all year round? I've thought about that. I would love to have spring all year round but God has revealed that each physical season in nature is significant and necessary. And as much as I enjoy warm weather, I realize that the rain cools things down and softens the soil. The beautiful rosebed I love to smell and look at, needs a period of rest too. With that said, we can see that each season is unique and has a purpose.  

And as the seasons change, I've observed how we as humans change with it. We slowly start packing away clothes that will no longer be of good use for the next few months, and we replace them with warmer ones. We prepare for what's ahead. And we do so intentionally as seasons dictate how we should dress and what activities we can engage in. They also affect our moods and attitudes. If we are to be effective in each season, we have to be mindful of the season we're in and we are plan for the future. 

I took the liberty to look at each season and see how significant they are. Seasons change in our lives based on where we are in our spiritual environment. Spiritual seasons aren't always parallel to that of nature. They have their own climate. They don't necessarily last as long as earthly seasons but they exist. The former revolves around the sun, while the latter (natural seasons) revolves around the Son (Jesus). 


Currently in South Africa, we are experiencing Autumn. The leaves have started falling and this represents a change of seasons. You may also experience an autumn in your own life, whereby you've ended one chapter and begun another. You may have experienced a loss of some sort at this point in your life. But don't let this weigh you down for too long. See this season as a time of transition, a time to reflect and prepare for the future. Change can be uncomfortable at times, but it can also be be refreshing. If you use this time correctly, it can be a time in which you step out. You can shake off the past hurts, the cares of this world and leave them on the ground. You don't need the extra weight. And you can then begin to 'plough' the areas God has revealed to you that need attention. Do what God has been prompting you to do. Stick with it. I like what Hosea 10:12 says, "Sow for yourselves according to righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God); reap according to mercy and loving-kindness. Break up your uncultivated ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, to inquire for and of Him, and to require His favor, till He comes and teaches you righteousness and rains His righteous gift of salvation upon you". We are to sow seeds, till the environment we're in, dig into God's Word and keep at it until harvest season. 


Personally, I do not like the cold one bit. The trees in my neighborhood are bare and there's not much colour or sunlight. This season can seem dreary at times and quiet. The days are shorter and temperatures are low. But I've learned to see it as a time whereby God permits the earth to rest. And we ourselves may need a break too. We all need time to recharge. God created winter as a time in which we do some introspection and examination. In this season you may feel like things are somewhat dormant or dark but remain resilient. Let God use this time to transform you into the likeness of Christ. Draw near to Him and keep doing the internal work, rejecting laziness and instead deepen your roots in Christ. Know this, you are in a period of invisible growth. And as you clear your path, renew your mind and plan for the next season your character will also develop and be strengthened. 


The climate begins to change once again. Flowers begin to bud and bloom again and it's a time whereby joy returns. We celebrate newness, if there's such a word (lol). There's new growth, new possibilities and restoration. To restore means to bring to original state without challenge. This is not to say that challenges won't still arise, but rather that we as individuals are being pruned and molded. We may see 'weeds' in ourselves and we use this time to get rid of them. We also take time to plant new seeds and grab hold of new or fresh opportunities God set before us. I like to perceive this time as a time whereby we re-turn to God if we once were led astray, re-pent if we've gone against God and His Word, re-vive that which was perceived dead, re-concile that which was broken and re-store that which was lost


The days are longer. There's an increase in temperature and the heat is felt. I love the warm weather, fewer layers of clothing and bright colours all around. It's a time not only to enjoy the sun but a time to commit to spiritual development and personal growth too. The seeds we planted, now need to be ploughed and watered. I know that with the heat comes dryness and we as christians can experience a period of spiritual dryness too. We may be confronted with afflictions, spiritual droughts and difficulties. But we need to quench our thirst with living water (the Word), stay in the Word and let it strengthen us, not break us. Be persistent. Be diligent in pulling out the weeds. Let this season mature you. May you also be conscious of the fact that afflictions will pass as spiritual bounty and rain will come again and you will reap what which you have sown.

There's a TIME for everything dear friends. A time to learn. A time to rest. A time for harvest. And a time for breakthrough. Time is indeed an instrument. Think about that statement for a minute. An instrument is meant to be used, not wasted or neglected. It is meant to be managed well. If you waste your time here on earth, you've wasted your life. So choose to maximize the season you're in. Utilize each one well.

And don't let mistakes eat up your years. If you want a different ending, you have to change the narrative. So, if you lack wisdom, ask for wisdom. Take time to pray and ask God to show you which season you're currently in. If you're lost, ask Him to redirect you. If you want speed in certain areas of your life, ask for it. Ask God to help you utilize seasons well. And if you desire restoration, you can ask God to redeem the time too. He is able to do so. The Bible says in Matthew 7:8, "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened". 

Which ever season you're in, may you be conscious of the fact that God is always with you. And He is working all things together for your good. 



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