When He teaches you to let go...Dealing with brokenness

📷: thirst.sg/blog

Too often in life we hold on to things: we tightly bottle up our feelings, sweep issues under a carpet or put on a mask so to speak in an attempt to appear normal or happy. Feeling empty at times yet we continue to hold on to mere memories, past hurts and broken dreams. And its in that broken state of mind that we easily allow ourselves to get stuck in a place where there is no growth, letting our pain and "brokeness" define us. 

Dr. Richard Swenson once said, "Broken relationships are a razor across the artery of the spirit. Stemming the haemorrhage and binding the wound should be done as quickly as possible. Yet all too often it takes months or years. And sometimes the bleeding never stops."
So, why do we hold onto broken relationships?
There are several reasons but most importantly "brokenness" simply hurts and sometimes it may seem easier to hold on to past hurts than actually deal with them. Brokenness often takes its toll on one's pride as it emphasizes a degree of ignorance and fear which we may not want to face. 

In a world where so many people are hurting, its also a reminder or maybe a daily experience and response of humility to the conviction of God - that we can't do life on our own. 
Self-reliance is just not the solution to our problems.  

And yes, I know that life has a way of taking you by surprise sometimes and making you feel like you have no control over the situation. But you have to remember that you are in the perfect position to submit to His will.

See, despite all the chaos around you God continues to say, "I've got this, come sit by me and I will raise you up...And no, I am not punishing you. Trust Me, I know what I'm doing."
Let Him use this situation you are in or have been through for your good and His glory. 

You know, its quite funny how God has a way of reminding us that He is the ultimate Healer, Comforter and Friend. He will bring you safely through the "storm" you are facing and you will be stronger than you were. And down the line, He could possibly use you to help someone who has also walked a mile in your shoes. 

Today, I hope you find comfort in the wise words of Vance Havner, that "God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. And it is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume". 

God is always with us. In the midst of our pain and suffering He is often calling us to just trust Him...in our pain and during our struggle. He sees your pain, your tears and promises to deliver you. For those who sow in tears, will reap in joy (Psalm 126:5). 

On that note, I truly believe that something beautiful is on the horizon despite your current situation, for God has made everything beautiful in its time (Eccl 3:11). You may feel "broken" now but He will make you whole again. For there's comfort in knowing that God heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds (Psalms 147:3).

So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and remind yourself that He hasn't given up on you. You are not a lost case! And a tragedy will not define you, for you are worth so much more.


  1. Beautifully said. I found comfort in these words. Thankz Mel

  2. Such an encouraging post; and beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Appreciate that you took the time to read this post. Thanks Stace :)


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