Feeling lost?

God knows how to get you to where you need to be.

This may sound a little cheesy to some but I truly believe that God knows how to get you from point A to point B. One Saturday not too long ago, I was on my way to meeting a close friend. A little unfamiliar to the area, I relied on a few signs for direction as some sort of guidance on the path I should take. Following these signs I was slowly reaching my destination but little did I know that God was directing my steps. He met me where I was and guided each step.

"Left here. Continue straight ahead then take a right at..." And before I knew it, I was at my destination without contacting my friend. It took me a few minutes, but I soon realized that God had put those signs in my path and He relied on me to follow His leading. Thereby, getting me to where I needed to be.

Once I obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit, He was able to work in my life - getting me safely to my destination. I was in awe as I realized something, that a little faith and obedience go a long way as we put our confidence and trust in Him.

Ever felt as if God was guiding your every move? Let me hear your story

- Mel ♡♥♡


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