The so-called "Comparison Game"

Ever played that game? 
The game whereby you compare yourself to someone:
-> Compare your current situation or status to someone in the public eye or rather someone you know.
-> Compare your weight, lifestyle and brand.
-> Compare the opinions of others with what God says about you.

By definition the word 'Comparison' refers to an action through which an individual pairs two or more things (or people) to establish similarities and dissimilarities.
Sound pretty familiar?

At one point in time or another, we all have participated in the "Comparison Game". The "game" whereby you compare your body image, your sense of style, your choice of friends and partners and sometimes even your career path etc. Minimising and maximising various character traits, and thereby making your individual views the "right" view.

This got me thinking...I once heard of a quote by Theodore Roosevelt, that "Comparison is the thief of joy" and I could relate to that quote.
If you could just pause for a second and digest that statement, you will realize that comparison forces us to put thankfulness aside as we think that we are either better or worse than others. At times such thoughts and feelings go a little further, and they stir up resentment within us when we feel that we do not measure up. Such resentment only harbours bitterness and does no one any good. And later, result in us mainly focusing on 'Me, Myself and I' which becomes a flawed unit of measurement of our identity.

Nonetheless, in the midst of the "Comparison Game" we will sometimes feel the Holy Spirit nudge us with conviction, reminding us that we are not in the position to judge the next person. Conviction seeks to make us aware of our wrong-doing yet so many continue to confuse it with condemnation (which causes one to turn away from God as a result of fear and shame). There are many differences between the two but what caught my attention is that the latter is fixated on sin, while the former sees God as loving Father.

You see, one must realize that comparing yourself to someone else never leads to growth. Instead it magnifies our insecurity. The one reason why we struggle with insecurity so often is because we are "comparing our behind the scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel," as Steve Furtick has mentioned. And such a comparison only displays a degree of dissatisfaction with what we have and who we are. Therefore, we need to find contentment internally as it deals with our spiritual life.

So, how should one deal with a Comparison Complex? Its a work in progress, here are a few tips:
1. Renew your mind (Romans 12:2) and find your identity in Him.
2. God says in 1 Samuel 16:7 that people look at the outward appearance but He looks at the heart. Therefore, one needs to put short-comings aside and stop looking to others to feel good about oneself. And instead do your personal best - Seek to please Him.
3. Know your worth, look to Christ.
You are called to be uniquely YOU!
Let those words resonate in your mind.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

So don't waste time dwelling on superficial conditions. Instead "Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else" (Galatians 6:4).
Find security in Him as you walk in love. And one last thing, REMEMBER that God has not forgotten you, He just works at a different pace to us and His plans are always better than ours. :)

- Mel ♡♥♡


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