Battle Scars

"Each scar tells a story..." she said.
"Some scars are humorous and we can lightly brush them off with a good laugh.
Some scars are more serious and are hidden.
Some scars are a painful reminder and we fail to talk about them.
Some scars are the result of an accident and they teach us to be more vigilant.
And some scars, some scars are inflicted onto us by ourselves..."

Sometimes life can feel like anything but a box of chocolates. Surprising you with a few "curve balls", overwhelming pain and unpredictable circumstances. 
These situations nonetheless, play a role in our lives, as they reveal that nothing is ever wasted in Christ, not even scars. God can still bring something good out of them.

Chances are that many of you can and do relate to possessing one or a few of these 'scars': 

- The loss of a family member or friend
- Some sort of rejection
- Disappointment
- Betrayal
- A broken heart
- A terrifying diagnosis from a doctor

And these scars which we possess often tell a story of the battles we have faced, conquered, survived and quite frankly, they are proof of our strength and perseverance. 

But one thing that we have to understand is that not all battles we face are ours to fight, for God goes before us and He levels mountains (Isaiah 45), smoothing out rough patches and stumbling blocks. And in the midst of all the pain He reminds us that He is there. Breaking down barriers, so we may know who He really is.

At times these battles have scarred us in one way or another (visible or invisible to the eye, they left a mark on you). Yet God can still use you and those scars. 

How, you might ask? I, personally think that God often allows certain scars to remain on us as they remind us of what we have been through, that those battles stretched us and our character, and not only our skin. With that said, I hope you can view scars with new eyes. For both freshly cut and old wounds require an intervention or then we would be left broken, infected and still hurt. But God cares too much about us to leave us that way, so He transforms them into a testimony of His power, love, grace, mercy and faithfulness.

And what about fear?
I know that when one is a contender in a battle, it is normal to be afraid but be encouraged that God has a way of calming the storm and granting you boldness. He can change your outlook on life, permitting you to see your pain from a different angle. The way I see it, perspective makes all the difference when you have experienced something difficult. Thereby, scars show us where we have been and not necessarily where we will permanently reside (unless we let it) - our scars do not have to dictate our future. Because when you push through the fear and pain, you allow yourself to reach out to others and be a pillar of strength and a person of courage for someone out there that is suffering. And such actions can bring great comfort to those hurting. I think that we all would be a little surprised by the impact that such stories have on people, as they have the ability to inspire others to go out into the world and do the same.

God knows exactly what you have to offer individuals and He wants to use you, ALL OF YOU! Not just some parts of you, not only on the days you go to church or partake in outreaches but EVERYDAY.
You can let others know that God has not abandoned then by displaying a small act of comfort. Help them realize that there are others out there just like them, fighting the same battle. Remind them that God himself goes before us and He will be with us. The Bible states that He will never leave us nor forsake us, and therefore we do not have to be afraid or discouraged (Deuteronomy 31:8), for He will keep us strong and resilient.

Today, I hope you find comfort in knowing that scars do in fact signify healing, they are marks left by a healed wound. Take a close look at scabs for example and you will notice that they require that the cells in our body heal injured tissue. And they are the evidence of God at work in us, redirecting us to the Great Physician.

Sometimes Jesus amazes me. Think about it. The fact that he chose to keep his scars, not only that his disciples could validate his identity but that others could know that he too could relate to those in pain as he himself endured pain, but still he came out strong. Surely that means something.  

And therefore, we have to continue to rise up, again and again and again... 
Even after we haven been knocked down.
Even when our knees tremble.
...We have to keep on going and release the chains of unforgiveness. Allow ourselves to grief, its a mechanism that helps us heal and deal with the fear and pain.

Sow hope in someone's life and free your soul from bad experiences.
Redefine your scars.
See them as evidence of God's healing and dare to be a vessel.  

- Mel ♡♥♡


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