Hello 30

Wow, 30 today!
Lately I've been doing some reflection work and I started thinking about how I got here... Two words, God's Grace.
I look at my life and just see how God's hand has been over me. Leading me. Protecting me. Healing me and moulding me. And I'm so very thankful that He cares about His children. He's such a good Father!

As I embark on a new journey, I feel as if I'm  literally closing one chapter of my life and beginning another. I look at some of the milestones from my 20s and see the wonder working power of God, as I:

• Dreamt of a career in Psychology for many years and tried to pursue it
• Graduated at the University of Witwatersrand
• Served at church and then became a youth leader
• Overcame illness
• Got my first actual job as a Grade 2 teacher
• Started this blog in 2014 (with the desire to encourage and inspire other young girls)
• Said goodbye to a few friends but also developed new friendships
• Took some time to heal and recover from radiation and it's side effects .
• I also then had to release my dreams regarding Psychology a few years ago, but rediscovered my passion for the Arts.

The last ten years of my life were not always easy but they have strengthened me and shaped me into the woman I am today. And as I look at the significance of the number 30, I realize that this is a year to celebrate growth and maturity. In the Bible there are a few chapters that put emphasis on this age as it describes how individuals become ripe for their purpose. It symbolizes the start of something. And did you know a few of these facts?
- That 30 was the age Jesus started his ministry (Luke 3:23) and so was John the Baptist.
- Ezekiel at that age, became a prophet (Ezekiel 1:1).
- And let's not forget David, he became king at that age too (2 Samuel 5:4).

These revelations have put a smile on my face as they got me thinking about the wonderful things God has in store for us as we grow with Him. So in celebration of me turning thirty, I have decided to answer 30 questions in this post. Giving you some insight into who I am.

1. What does a new beginning mean to you, right now?
A new beginning is a new chapter and lease on life. It means that I am embracing the gifts God has given me and I'm moving forward.

2. City girl or country girl?
I'm definitely a city girl. 

3. What is your favorite season? Why?
Spring. I love seeing things grow and bloom after Winter. 

4. Is home a place or a feeling? Describe it.
It's a feeling you get. A sense of belonging.

5. Signature meal to make:
Although I love pasta and enjoy making desserts, I'd have to say it's something simple. A good home cooked meal comprised of rice, veggies and spicy, grilled chicken.

6. What are you currently reading?
Just finished reading Somebody, Please Love Me by Paula White. It's quite an insightful and honest book. Whereby the author shares much of her life experiences with the reader and makes a valuable point that we all desire to be loved and give love. Now I'm reading another book by Joel Osteen, Blessed In The Darkness.

7. What makes you mad?
For one, it's child and women abuse. Oh and let's not forget human trafficking. I hate seeing people be victimized, used and abused and treated like objects. Each and every life is precious. We need to respect each other and put an end to all the abuse!

8. What gives you hope?
People who stand up for what is right.

9. Who do admire the most?
My mother and other mothers around the world. She's a pillar of strength. A wise and caring woman.

10. Happiness is __________?
Happiness is a choice. Not a destination. 

11. Your favourite number.
7 it signifies rest, perfection and completeness.

12. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?
Of course I'd visit the future! ☺ The past doesn't have anything new to say, and I don't wanna live there. I would rather like to take a peek of what God has in store for us.

13. What are the 3 things that matter most to you?
God. Family and close friends

14. Who was your favourite teacher and why?
My High School Art teacher, Mr Mark Liss. He loved teaching Art and he was pretty good at it. His class holds many good memories. He made the subject enjoyable and cared about his students.

15. On that note, how do you define art?
Art is a means to express oneself, share a message or a story. It's a gift I use to reflect strength and beauty. It's also something I can use to glorify God with, after all He did give it to me and it's only fair that I honour Him with it.

16. What words do you live by?
"Dare to be different," and "An original is worth far more than a copy". God made us all unique, so why should we all try to be the same and look the same? We all have unique fingerprints and they are an indicator that we are wonderfully and fearfully made. For it's our uniqueness that makes us special. We should not forget that!

17. If you could tell your former self one thing what would it be?
Two things: You are stronger than you think and everything does not need to make sense to you for you to move forward in life.

18. How have you streched your comfort zone in the last 10 years?
Well, I don't want to be stagnant so I try to do new things. Stay teachable. Put myself out of my comfort zone and take a few risks. I've changed careers and I'm now embracing new opportunities for growth.

19. What do you want to accomplish in the next ten years that you didn't accomplish in the last ten years?
Hmmm. We'll some accomplishments are continuous, they just don't end. While I'm still on Earth, I desire to make a difference in the lives of other individuals. Write an inspirational book or two and use art to touch people.

20. Why do you get up in the morning?
Purpose. My purpose and mission in life is to do what God called me to do. And I can't waste opportunities and disregard God's plan.

21. What is the difference between living and being alive?
People were created to thrive, truly live and not just exist. That means we take risks. We pursue our purpose instead of settling.

22. List core values
Love God and people. Uphold honesty. Integrity and respect.

23. Do you want the whole 'married with kids thing'?
Yes, but all in God's timing...I want His Will to be done in my life. I used to be the girl who had her whole life all planned out but I soon realized that God has plans of His own. And His plans are better than mine. So I pursue Him and know those things will come in due time.

24. Does your real age correspond with the age you feel you are?
I may be 30 today but I certainly feel younger not older. I've grown a lot over the years though and I don't take that for granted.

25. If you could give one piece of advice to someone, what would you tell them?
God doesn't waste a thing. Good and bad experiences. He can be trusted and He won't disappoint you.

26. Do you believe in giving people second chances, and why?
Yes, we need to extend the 'grace card' to others. No one is perfect and a second chance is an opportunity to do something different and have a different outcome.

27. Since the blog is called Mel's Little Journal, do you keep an actual journal?
 I did keep one when I was child. However, I decided to call this blog Mel's Little Journal because I thought it would be a good platform to share actual experiences, testimonies and lessons with others. One which I can use to encourage others and be encouraged by...It's something I can always look back on and be reminded that God is always good even when circumstances aren't. 

28. What has God taught you through illness?
He Heals and makes all things work together for good (Romans 8:28)! Regardless of the things I've experienced, the highs and the lows I know that sickness does not come from Him. God wants us all well - mind, body and spirit. He redeems time and restores. What was meant to destroy us can actually be what makes us stronger, not weaker. And God doesn't want us to stay in bondage and be bound by fear. Instead He calls us overcomers for a reason and we ought to live up to that name.

29. What is your 'why' in life?
God is.
He's the reason why I'm alive. The reason why I'm passionate about helping others. Without Him, I am nothing! He put each person on this Earth for a reason and I desire to make my life count for something.

30. Lastly, what are you looking forward to most about your 30s?
New adventures. New friendships and new testimonies.

I hope you enjoyed this post. And I look forward to sharing many more posts with you.

- Mel 


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