The Thorn In Your Flesh

Sometimes the thing that you're going through, is 'a thorn in your flesh'. It's the thing that God allows and does not remove from you. The Bible calls it a wicked spirit which strikes and aims to steal the Word (read 2 Corinthians 12:1-10). It can come in different forms. For some it is the baby you long for yet don't have as yet, an illness you want to beat or your finances. And for others, it's a relationship or even a situation you want changed but it isn't exactly happening on your watch.

I think many of us have had 'a thorn' or two in us. And at times it may frustrate you as you wonder why the situation hasn't improved or why God isn't answering your prayers - eliminating a problem and providing the perfect solutions with the desired end-result. You pray. You fast. You try to live by His Word and maybe nothing has changed as yet. But have you ever looked at the situation in a different light? In life you will be put in situations where you don't understand what is happening and why.
Yet, God does!

Some 'limitations' may simply not disappear entirely and they may aggravate you at times, but instead of seeing what disadvantages it has brought into your life, count your blessings. Be thankful for the big and small things in life. You never know if some circumstances in your life are a test to develop your character and faith muscles. But you can trust Him to work all things (that includes the good, the bad and the painful stuff) together for your good (Romans 8:28). And take it from someone who tried to figure a few things out on her own, you don't need to figure everything out to enjoy life and have peace.

However, you have to have Jesus and know this: God gives you strength to endure the pain and suffering. And His grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:8). It's more than enough. For His power works best in weakness (when we lack understanding of how things work), when we lack strength and need a shoulder to cry on. He can be our strong shoulder, for He's never overwhelmed and He can hold us tight with His presence. He will remind us that these frustrations can't stop us from going foward, unless we let it. And here's a simple truth I'd like you to ponder on, you alone can decide if the pain will make you better or worse. You choose...
Choose to see the pain as a time to develop something in you, or not. Choose to love and serve God in spite of the circumstances, the pain and suffering. Praise Him when the news is good and praise Him when it's horrible. For that is how we defy the odds and not waste our pain. And in doing so, we help the next person overcome a bad report or event. We share the load we've been carrying, making it a little easier to bear

I love what Ephesians 3:20-21 says, that God is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely MORE than we might ask or think. So don't underestimate Him. He can still use you! And a 'thorn' does not have to a negative 'snowball effect' on you.

- Mel


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