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Follow His Lead

Hello Lovelies, When I was an early teen, I took ballroom dancing lessons along with my cousin. Each week our instructor would teach us a few new moves or steps. And we had to make sure we showed up each week, observed and obeyed her instructions. She would direct us and dance along side us until we were gliding together. And later she  examined our progress. Dance is just one Art which not only teaches you discipline but also the importance of knowing your position. Two partners dancing together can't take the position of the lead dancer. One has to lead and one has to follow. And there's something beautiful in watching dancers take the floor in unison. I've observed how the male lead dancer positions himself and has a posture, and his partner follows his leading, trusting his every move and they dance in one accord. No beat missed, no foot out of place, no step second-guessed and no resistance. They would just flow. We as the Church (body) of Christ need to let Jesus alwa

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